A Level PE revision powerpoint for the following topics:
Skeletal Muscle contraction
Cardiovascular system at rest
Cardiovascular system during exercise
Respiratory system at rest
Respiratory System during exercise
designed for OCR spec by OCR moderator
37 page powerpoint
does not contain content but tasks for pupils to do for revision based on prior knowledge. Then there are past paper questions and answers on each of the topics.
I Use this to work through class room revision. Save yourself hours of work.
3 x Powerpoints
Micronutrients (Vitamins)
Fibre Minerals and Water
I broke this down into 3 presentations to make it a bit more manageable for teaching and learning.
this are purely powerpoints and do not have questions/tasks built in. I have been using these for home learning during lock down or as a flipped learning task.
once a pupil has viewed the powerpoint and made notes they can answer questions you set them. I will be producing a question powerpoint and worksheet shortly.
its aimed at OCR A Level PE but could be used for many other courses and also makes a good PSHE activity/lesson.
Its quite rare to get specific exam questions on micronutrients but the general purpose of vitamins and minerals is required.
14 page Booklet designed to put the physical training theory into practice.
Students learn and use the knowledge from the physical training unit, develop a training programme and monitor/track the programme (and write it all down)
I use this as a breakfast club or intervention but can be used for all or as a h/w
designed for AQA spec
Sedentary lifestyles and obesity
10 slides packed with questions and activities
designed for GCSE PE AQA but adaptable
add videos and change pictures as you wish
includes 1 worksheet to make complete lesson
22 page animated powerpoint presentation on
Safety principles when training
Training at altitude
The three training seasons
Warm up and Cool down - components and benefits
Powerpoint includes content and exam style questions with model answers.
Also includes 3 linked worksheets:
Safety principles
Training at altitude
The three training seasons
edit objectives/outcomes and tasks as you wish. I would also add Pixl strategies such as condense, summarise, create, etc. I would also tweak worksheets to differentiate (following Horsfoth quadrant techniques)
designed by a HOD and moderator, save yourself hours of time.
3 Worksheets
2 x Skeletal system
1 x Muscular system
containing exam style questions, labeling tasks and creative (thinking harder tasks)
can be used during a regular lesson or as a revision task, homework or cover lesson.
you can add prompts or amend questions to differentiate as required.
Powerpoint with fun tasks and past paper questions for recapping on the energy systems, 18 pages
I use this after I have taught the 3 energy systems to embed learning.
feel free to edit, change pics, or take out/add slides
about 1.5 hours of work on here depending on pace/level
designed for OCR A Level spec but energy systems is standard across boards
18 page powerpoint with Movement analysis questions
There is usually 1 on these questions in every paper 1 and they are worth 5-6 marks.
identification of agonist, antagonist, joint types, movement, contraction type
practice possible questions with this powerpoint - answers included
Powerpoint going through all listed on the specification for Skeletal system (AQA)
tasks and discussion points throughout
2 Worksheets included and a skeleton to label
add a animations if you wish, videos or past paper questions
Powerpoint on Flexibility:
factors that affect flexibility
types of flexibility training and programming
adaptations to flexibility training
2 exam style questions
includes worksheet on types of flexibility training
complete lesson
designed for OCR A level PE but adapt for your course/class
Respiratory system - A Level PE
1x worksheet
1 x short exam to do in exam conditions (8 marks)
1 x 10 slide powerpoint to go through worksheet and exam with exemplar answers.
Enough for a full lesson here. Typically taught in the first year of A Level PE, designed for OCR spec but applicable to all. Add or remove questions from worksheet/exam to suit your students.
Methods and Programming - A Level PE
Powerpoint with how to programme for different types of strength training.
finished with past paper (and exemplar answer) on plyometrics.
differentiate to suit your class
add objectives for your class
22 page powerpoint on fluid mechanics and projectile motion
tasks throughout and exam style questions with guidance and teacher answers.
This is for the A2 biomechanics in OCR A Level PE but may be used for other boards and subjects
videos from youtube or class experiments may help to stimulate learning alongside this PP and tasks.
Linear Motion
21 page PowerPoint
Worksheet with 4 Questions
This powerpoint covers the Linear Motion topic area of the OCR A Level PE spec. It may also be useful for other specs/courses.
It includes definitions, calculations and units of measurement (in table format). Also includes all graphs required: distance/time, speed/time and velocity/time.
There are 2 task/questions slides on the PP, one relating to the 2017 World championships 100m final, pupils enjoy this.
There are 4 Questions on the worksheet
This would easily be enough for a 1hr interactive lesson.
feel free to animate or add tasks etc to suit your class and teaching
please see shop for Angular Velocity resources
Section - Preparation and training methods, Intro to types of training and 30 page power point of Aerobic capacity, training, testing and adaptations.
includes basic VO2 max factors worksheet and challenge questions (cut and provide to more able)
includes past paper question and development of full mark answer
you can add included thinking hard tasks to suit class
can also be used as a flipped learning homework and then focus on extended writing and AO2, AO3 in class
designed for OCR A Level PE but applicable to all boards
this will save your hours of work
Biomechanics - Newton’s laws and key calculations.
Past paper questions and tasks.
Learning objectives and outcomes relate to the whole biomechanics unit.
designed for OCR A Level by OCR moderator. Can be used/adapted to other boards.
includes worksheet/table for filling out info on basic concepts/calculations.
Ergogenic aids revision resource.
Powerpoint and matching worksheet
tasks build up in difficulty from AO1 to AO3, ending in 20 mark extended writing with essay plan
include interleaved topic of flexibility to help with recaping and knowledge retention
designed for OCR board
complete lesson
39 page powerpoint - energy systems
designed for A Level PE OCR spec but applicable and adaptable to all
covers the 3 energy systems in detail
contains tasks, pixl strategies, short questions and past paper questions
change objectives and outcomes as you wish
note: OCR call the lactic acid sytem the glycolytic system now.
designed by OCR moderator and experienced practitioner
this would last 3-4 1 hour lessons (plus more time for past paper questions)
you could show appropriate videos from youtube to help understanding
worksheet to follow
save hours planning and take your lessons to the next level with this outstanding and professional powerpoint presentation.